Just for the record, I’m skinny. I weigh eighteen pounds (big for my breed but not FAT). I’m a male dog, a Brussels Griffon, to be exact. Me and the Boss (I call ‘em that ‘cause he’s got the charge card, wheels, tells me when to get out of his chair, and mangles Springsteen in the shower) cruise the fashion blogs now and then to see who’s got it and who don’t. Seems the skinny chicks always have a tough time of it.
First, they can wear damn nearly anything and look good. So what’s the problem? That’s a good thing, right? Well, actually, that’s the problem.
You see you got to have taste as well. That’s why I give short squirts on tired, yellow and green fire hydrants, so yesterday and dull. Nothing like the red ones, trimmed out with a little gold here and there. Oh, I give ‘em a good wash down, too. I just feel better doing it. Back atcha, Kate Moss.
Back to skinny. The problem with skinny women is that they’re always complaining about their lack of curves. Flat ass, flat chest, no waist, toothpick calves… seems they got nothin’ the Boss’s guy friends rant and rave about. The Boss secretly likes skinny… and not so skinny and… well, just about any woman that’s got it goin’ on.

The second thing me and the Boss have noticed is that the bar is set pretty high for skinny chicklets. We expect them to pull it off and turn us on. The tasty style, that is. If you’re a size 10 or 12, and no offense to some of my favorite women, the bar isn’t so high. You’re the girl next door, the ones the Boss and his guy friends hang with and mostly marry. These girls can put a good thing together, too… they’re just not Twiggy, hating herself because she doesn’t have an ass like these girls.
I don’t know why I went off on this tirade. Most gurl-folk blogin’ ‘bout fashion are fine but not Kate Moss miniscule. A rare few got the imagination to get them noticed in the design world. That's right, you got the magic. You can come over and put fur on my doghouse any day. I’ll get busy collectin’ a couple of squirrels.
So Me and the Boss cracked open a good Argentinean Shiraz tonight and toasted all the thinlets blogin’ out their skinny brains out tonight while he’s cookin’ dinner and waitin’ for his fine, tall and tan size 10 to come home.
Keep at it. And quit worrying about the curves!
“Boss, is that a little pink I see in those fat, little face cheeks?”
“Boss, is that a little pink I see in those fat, little face cheeks?”
Nice layout and design, John. I'd recommend more pictures of supermodels. That squirrel is a hottie.
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